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Namibian Youth Chamber of Environment: A New Dawn for Conservation

Two men and two women pose in the back garden of the NCE offices.

Windhoek, Namibia – July 17, 2024: The Namibian Chamber of Environment (NCE) has launched an initiative aimed at fostering environmental stewardship among the nation’s youth. The Namibian Youth Chamber of Environment (NYCE) was formally introduced through an announcement on NCE’s official Instagram, and Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages, marking the start of a significant movement in youth-led conservation and environmental education in Namibia.

The NYCE, led by its president Punaete Kandjii, aims to instil appreciation for nature amongst Namibia’s youth. With Trendy Masule at the helm as the overall coordinator, the club is set to become a beacon of environmental education and action. The formation of the NYCE follows NCE’s commitment to nurturing a generation of environmentally conscious citizens who can champion sustainable practices.

Our goal is to engage young Namibians in meaningful conservation activities and provide them with the knowledge and skills to protect our natural heritage,” said Punaete Kandjii. “Through the Namibia Youth Chamber of Environment, we aspire to create a network of passionate young individuals dedicated to making a positive impact on our environment.

The club will offer a range of activities, including educational workshops, excursions to natural areas, and hands-on conservation projects. Partnerships with local schools and environmental organisations are also being established to ensure widespread participation and support. By offering these opportunities, the club aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of environmental issues and practical solutions.

Trendy Masule emphasised the importance of youth involvement in conservation efforts. “Young people are the future of our country, and their active participation is crucial for the sustainability of our environment. The NYCE will serve as a platform for them to voice their ideas, take initiative, and lead by example.”

As the NYCE embarks on its journey, it stands as a testament to Namibia’s dedication to environmental preservation. By empowering the youth, the NYCE is poised to make a lasting impact on the nation’s conservation landscape, ensuring a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come.

A man and a woman standing outside a doorway.© Setson Johannes
Trendy Masule (NYCE Coordinator) and Punaete Kandjii (NYCE President) at the Namibian Chamber of Environment Office. Photo by: Setson Johannes.

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